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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Why I Love My Mac

Sitting in LAX, we discovered that there is no public wi-fi in the International terminal. We had one of those Verizon broadband PC-card thingies, so one of our laptops could get internet access, but no love for the other two. The solution initially seemed simple— set up interface sharing between the Verizon card and its computer's 802.11 card, create an ad-hoc network, and join through that. Sadly, though, after about ten minutes of futzing around, we were forced to determine that the Windows XP wireless network setup wasn't going to let us do it. The solution? Use my powerbook.

It took a few very minor modifications to the relevent drivers' Info.plist files to get the card working with OSX, and about three clicks in the "Sharing" control panel, and boom— wifi for the whole gate.

Life is good, and so's my mac. I love how rarely I have to mess around with the Unix underpinnings, but I even more than that I love the fact that when I want to, I can.


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